10 Things Every Beginner Drummer Should Know

Things Every Beginner Drummer Should Know

Becoming a professional musician does not happen overnight.

It takes the essential knowledge and skills to set off your career in music.

What made you interested in playing an instrument? Some things will drive you forward to learn this instrument, and you’ll treat playing one as a habit.

You can’t skip some steps and become extraordinary with a single practice session, and playing the drums is no exception.

Learning takes time, and you may want to check out 10 things every beginner drummer should know to take a step forward.


Know your instrument

The first thing in learning something or two about the drums is learning more about them.

Please get to know the instrument and its essential parts before learning how to play the drum itself. 

Knowing the features of a drum kit will give you an overview of how you will play the instrument.

The essential parts will also guide you as you go along with your drumming progress.


Choose your Drumstick

drum sticks

You can’t play the drums without the drumstick.

The drumstick is an integral part of learning how to play the instrument.

These pieces of wood are your direct links to the drums.

As beginners, you might think that choosing a drumstick is not a big deal. 

However, the drumstick is a fundamental part of your drumming career. 

Drumsticks come in various sizes and materials, and choosing the best drumstick on your skill level can significantly impact how you may proceed with your job.

Choose the appropriate size, bead, and material for your drumstick, and ask for advice from a professional drummer so they will guide you with what drumstick will suit you best.


Learn about Rhythm

Playing the drums is all about learning the rhythm of the song. It will be hard to take on drumming lessons without knowing the rhythm.

From the perspective of a drummer, rhythm is the regular repeated movement or beat.

There are rhythms that every drummer should be familiar with, and you can start learning some.


Protect your Ears

Part of being a drummer is exposing yourself to loud sounds. As you hit the cymbals or the snare drum more consistently, you need to protect your ears. 

Drummers need a good set of headphones that will enable them to hear the music and still be in sync with the song.

Protect your ears as these will connect you with the music you hear and create.


Play with a Comfortable Drum Set

guide to drumming for beginners

Learning how to play the drums will involve having a drum set. Unfortunately, the drum set is not as portable as you think.

It is also quite expensive compared to other instruments. However, investing in a comfortable drum set will let you experience the instrument better.

There are good electronic drum sets that will let you play like that of the traditional one. You get to do the basics with these drum sets, and they are less of a hassle at home.


Good Posture is Key

You won’t be playing the drums for a short period.

After a single session, your back might hurt, or your arms might be sore from playing.

Keep in mind that a good posture is key to having sustained attention and energy in practicing the drums.


Practice Consistently

One of the things that will get you better every day is constant practice.

Coordination of your hands and feet won’t come instantly.

It will take several sessions to get to know how you feel about playing the drums. Many drum routines can help you build a more consistent practice to have more coordination.

There are also learning methods on learning how to play drums. Learn about these methods and choose the one that will suit your consistent drumming practice.


Find a Good Teacher

One of the most crucial steps in playing the drums as a beginner is finding the best teacher.

There are online classes, and you can teach yourself the basics with a lot of beginner guides on the internet, but nothing will beat the guidance of a good teacher.

A great drum teacher will teach you some techniques based on experience and give you feedback on how you are playing –these are some things you can never really get with self-learning.


Master the Basics

tips for beginner drummers

Once you get yourself on the seat, you can almost always be eager to go faster and beat harder every single practice.

You will be feeling excited with every course and learn new songs each day.

But it is best to master the basics before you set yourself with new goals.

Learning the basics is essential, and mastering these basics will get you ahead. Try on different drumming techniques, and focus on somewhere you might need an extra push. Learning faster does not always mean better.


Give Yourself Time

Spend some time tuning your drum kit. Meticulously choose your drumstick. Don’t rush things as you warm up.

Take time playing the drums.

One of the best ingredients that you will need in becoming a professional drummer is time. You can’t play along with the most challenging rock songs if you don’t master the basics. And mastery takes time.

Give yourself some time to listen to every beat and jive with the rhythm.

Play the drums with some friends, and enjoy your first few stages as a beginner.

There are a lot of things to learn, and you’re just taking the first few steps.



All of these 10 things every beginner drummer should know do not only entail learning more about the instrument.

It takes guts and perseverance to become a professional drummer, and these insights for beginners will surely enlighten your humble beginnings as a drummer.

There are things that drummers quickly forget, while there are insights that will always be with them.

Take time to practice, and don’t be hard on yourself when playing the drums.

It takes rhythm, coordination, and a lot of hard work to have among the best roles in the band, and you’re just getting started.


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