Yamaha P125 Review (2025) – Best Digital Piano for Beginners?

yamaha p125 review digital piano
Editor's Pick
YAMAHA P125 Digital Piano
For some, music is their happiness and their life. Some musicians, especially dedicated pianists, are willing to spend a lot on great instruments. And, speaking of digital piano, Yamaha P125 is a great instrument to help players focus on playing great music.
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Simplicity is beauty. This statement is a perfect description of this piano’s design and structure. Yamaha P125 is designed to be as simple as possible so that pianists can focus on what’s essential – music.

However, though it’s simple, it doesn’t mean it lacks anything a full-sized piano would have. It’s complete, perfect and might be a good digital piano for beginners as they hone and develop their piano skills. Below are some of the features that speak of the greatness of this very simple, yet, powerful piano.


Compact and Simple Construction

Like the Yamaha P115, it’s younger brother is also a compact 88-key weighted piano. Although some say, it’s a lightweight piano, but since it’s 26 pounds, it might not be that handy for others.

It appears to be redesigned and modernized, yet still resembles the P115.

yamaha p-125 review

The piano is made of plastic along with the matte-coated black keys that appear solid and very reliable. It features a very minimalist design with an elegant curve at the panel like the Yamaha CFX Concert Grand.

The control panel comes with 14 buttons with LED indicators. So, the player knows if the setting is being used at the moment. Of course, it has a very versatile volume slider for easier access to volume control.


Authentic Sound

It sounds like a real acoustic piano, thanks to the weighted key action. It uses Yamaha’s very own GHS in order to emphasize on the softness and loudness of each key, without irritating anyone. This gives you the feel of a real piano, in which, you can also play natural sounds.

If you are bored and wanted to do some experimentation, this comes with six distinct piano sounds –  vibraphone, electric piano, string, organ, etc. Each can be activated via dedicated buttons. There’s also a bass button, which allows you to play bass boosted lower keys, while the higher keys remain unchanged.


Great Versatility with Built-in Features

One of the most exciting features of this piano is the 20 built-in rhythms and voices. It comes with plenty options that you can combine in order to have some fun as you play.

You can record your performance using a button. You can play it back using another button, and see the parts you’re stronger and the parts you need the most improvement. This feature is great for practicing so that you’ll improve your skills in no time.

P125 has this setting called “Table EQ”, which helps you optimize the sound of the piano on top of any flat surface if you are not using a stand. It has 4–a speaker system that gives players more dynamics in achieving soft pianissimo and strong fortissimo.


Useful Smart Pianist App

This feature is for iOS devices, like iPhone and iPad. However, it may work for some Android devices, but some settings might not be available because of compatibility issues. In any case, it’s a great app that lets you manipulate and access the piano’s control panel in your smartphone.

Most features are available in physical buttons. However, using your smartphone is still more convenient and accessible.

Awesome Connectivity and Extras

You can plug it to either your computer or your iPhone and iPad. You’ll be surprised at how great it is compared to its predecessors. Though the speakers are powerful enough, if you really want to heat up your performance, connect it to an amplifier.

Yamaha P125 is not difficult to learn and play. However, if you are new to digital pianos, although you’ve played piano before, it really takes time. But, it’s worth the wait and the patience and dedication in practicing really pay off.

  • Volume can get pretty loud without compromising the sound quality
  • Small and handy, space-efficient
  • Sound is amazing, better than expensive Yamaha pianos
  • Great speakers for outdoor gigs
  • Cheap plastic sustain pedal that should be replaced right away


The Piano that Helps You Get Started

With the Yamaha P125, you got to play the piano, even if you don’t have the skills yet, or no performance evaluation anticipated. This piano allows you to sit down in front of it, draw your fingers to the keys and simply play them. This great piano is simple, yet very effective in capturing the hearts of aspiring musicians and seasoned players alike.


I hate to say this, but I need to…

Before buying any musical instruments, it’s very important to know if it’s worth your money. Unfortunately, compared to the P115, this piano might be a little pricey.

If you play the P125 and the P115 side by side, they don’t differ much. P125 might have some updates, they are not that fascinating. But, it really comes with features worth checking out.

So, if you feel P125 can offer you great features, then, go grab one. It’s one of the best keyboards in its price range. Still, you need to assess your own needs and preferences before considering my thoughts on this matter.

Here’s a comparison video on Yamaha 125 vs Yamaha 115 vs Kawai ES110.



Editor's Pick
YAMAHA P125 Digital Piano

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Not anyone can afford to have a piano. And, although some might have a piano at home, having to really play the piano every day is challenging. But, if you are serious about your career as a pianist, then, the Yamaha P125 is a great partner.

But, is this really a great buy?

Well, for someone who wants great “upgrade” from the P115, you might be disappointed. It shares a lot of features from its predecessor and only a few of its own. And, although it is not a bad thing, many are expecting more from the new mid-range keyboard.

Value for Money
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The Guitar Junky
Hi there, I’m Charles, chief editor here at The Guitar Junky. I'm a professional guitarist, and have over 10 years experience in playing guitar, piano, and other music instruments. When not working, I love playing with my two lovely kids. Read more about our team of music experts here.
yamaha-p125-digital-piano-reviewQuick Review <p>If there’s one thing you should love about the <a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D3C4Y54/ref=as_li_ss_tl?pf_rd_p=b4bbef4e-170e-463d-8538-7eff3394b224&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B07CS1BMNS&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=H27WMQ9E2JVGFGZNHR73&th=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=pianofied-20&linkId=f2a625e2623ae9673a0351e04638a08b&language=en_US" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><strong>Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano</a></strong>, it would have to be its keys. This digital piano offers an acoustic experience with its GHS weighted action keys. Beginners and intermediate players will love the Pure CF Sound Engine and the split mode function for practice purposes.<p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D3C4Y54/ref=as_li_ss_tl?pf_rd_p=b4bbef4e-170e-463d-8538-7eff3394b224&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B07CS1BMNS&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=H27WMQ9E2JVGFGZNHR73&th=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=pianofied-20&linkId=f2a625e2623ae9673a0351e04638a08b&language=en_US" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><b><span class="td_btn td_btn_lg td_round_btn" style="background-color: #ff9900; color: #000000;">VIEW NOW ON AMAZON</span></b></a></p>


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