10 Creative Ways Musicians Can Earn Money from Home During COVID-19

Creative Ways Musicians Can Earn Money from Home During COVID-19

If there is one sector affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, it must be the music industry. Many artists are displaced, lost their gigs, and unable to play for an income.  And due to social distancing mandates, concerts were postponed.

However, don’t despair. If you’re a musician affected by the pandemic, you can still make money and earn from home.  Adapt your business to the digital world and earn a living amidst this world crisis.


1. Hold a live YouTube or Instagram Concert, or Monetize Your Track on Soundcloud


Like you, your audience wants to fill their time doing things like listening to music. Now that they cannot attend to concerts and music events, they’re finding ways on how to listen to good music.    You can keep in touch with fans and engage them with your music by holding live online concerts.  It is not just for reconnecting to loyal fans around the world, but you’re also having an opportunity to earn money in the process. You can consider hosting a live IG or YouTube concert to spread positive vibes and earn money from home.

[After all, it’s simple. All you need is your phone/recording device mounted on a tripod.   Then, hit the record button on the IG’s live feature if you’re using Instagram.  However, don’t forget adding a link to a donation link to the livestream.]

If you’re on Soundcloud, you can monetize your track. For more info, you can check out this article.


2. Transcribe an audio

person typing

Another great way to earn money from home is transcribing an audio. As you might have a recording studio or a recording equipment, you can make use of it in making money by   transcribing audio files. You can find many freelance works looking for transcription services, and websites, such as UpWork, are a great place to start.  Find opportunities to transcribe audio from resources, such as podcasts. As an artist, you probably have high-end software for producing great transcribed results for your clients.

Audio transcription doesn’t just give you an opportunity to make money online, but you can also help those hearing-impaired individuals by building them a resource that they can use in their lives.

Many of these gigs or freelance opportunities are paid per audio hour, meaning the length of the audio file is the time length you will be paid for.  In that case, you’ll earn based on the file’s length.


3. Narrate audiobooks

audio narration

If you have high-quality audio editing software and a microphone, you might want to take on the challenge and narrate children’s story books and other audio books.  You can work as a freelance narrator and earn money in the process.    Your voice is fantastic, so why not share it with the world?  You don’t just fill in your free time, but you also earn extra in this pandemic.

However, you must invest effort and time here because it can take a day to record an entire book, depending on its length.  Still, that’s not a problem if you want to earn extra cash in a creative and fun way.


4. Hold workshops


There is nothing quite more rewarding than sharing your talent with aspiring artists!  Invite people to join an online workshop, be it singing, playing a musical instrument, or song writing. Aside from making money, you’re also helping other artists improve their talents and become as good as you are.

So, if you have some teaching skills, you can use it to teach online with your internet connection, laptop and musical instrument, for instance.


5. Join a freelance website for musicians


Websites, such as Freelancer and UpWork are excellent places to look up for freelance opportunities. So, if you have another skill like graphic design or copy writing, you can sign up and get gigs.  But then, you can also find other job opportunities for musicians on these and other websites. These freelance home-based jobs can help you make money in the pandemic.


6. Write an ad commercial

ad commercial covid 19

While the songs you might have written for rock bands and other clients can be impossible to sell, you can divert your energy and focus on writing songs for commercials instead of worrying about when to sell the other songs you have written.

So, if you have a songwriting talent, use it! Write songs for commercials and make money from home.


7. Write content for music blogs and websites

musician writing a blog

Another opportunity to earn from home is to write blogs, articles and online content related to your expertise – music.  It is one of the best ways to use your free time productively in this corona crisis.  As you already have relevant knowledge and if you have writing skills, do not think twice but contribute and write quality content on music websites.


8. Work as a voice actor

online voice acting

Yes, you can become a voice actor and earn from home!  Try voiceover for foreign movies, educational videos and other video content. Voice acting is also one of the easiest jobs for musicians because all you need to do is to read the text aloud while recording it in your home studio or recording equipment.


9. Write a book

writing a book

If you have a flair for writing, you can also write and share your music knowledge with an audience that wants to learn your skills, such as guitar playing, song writing, and so many more. Writing a book can take some time, but it is sure worth a try. Plus, you can do it on your free time after an online class or tutoring. What do you think?


10. Mentor a musician online

musician holding an online workshop

Aside from group classes or workshops, you can mentor an aspiring musician one-on-one online. Mentoring is a great opportunity to help someone learn music and become better at his or her craft.  Tweet or post your coaching service on your social media channels and book students interested in one-on-one tutorials.


Over to You…

While the music industry is one of the most hit sectors in this COVID-19 crisis, you can still survive and make money from home.  Check out and try these ways of earning from home today!

What creative way of making money from home for musicians have you tried so far? How is it so far? Share it with us here at Guitar Junky.

Finally, spread the word and share this post to your social media friends.


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